Monday 13 July 2009

Audrey Kitching is awsome :)

Im abit obsessed with Audrey Kitching atm, shes so cool haha
&& thanks to her Im really into vintage clothes, I bought 2 dresses yesterday.
I'd saved up to buy a lomo camera and the other day I found it in Urban Outfitters and I could have bought it but next to it was an even better one which happened to be the same price as the amount of money in my purse! So I decided not to buy any of them haha and instead I bought the 2 dresses! Oh but then I realised I hadnt bought what I actually went to town for, earphones! I had just the right amount of money but then I was reminded that I was going to Pizza Hut with some friends =\

So the moral of the story is........... make sure you save up more money than what you need, because you'll always see something else you want to buy and will go home with something totally different and no money!

Anyways, this holiday, as I wrote, I am making a sort of photo diary but its really hard to take photos every day! So my Photo Diary folder on deviantart is as good as empty :(
So Ive decided to incorporate my photos in a blog, so even if I dont take any photos I can still post somethiing :)
I think Ill start that tomorrow, and Ill post all the pix I have and write about that day xD Fun times!
So yeah, Ill do that instead of being bored all the time. I dont have anything planned this holiday apart from going to see Harry Potter with Vicky on wednesday! Im so excited haha Ive been closing my eyes everytime a trailer comes on because I dont want to spoil it when I go see the film haha Im so sad.
I dont even have a holiday booked :( Its ridiculous. My parents seem to think its my responsibility to book a holiday because Im the one who knows how to use the internet, even though Ive told them a million times how easy it is. Im 16 for god sake and I have no concept of expense! If they left it up to me entirely, we'd either be going on a ridiculously pricey holiday to LA or a cheapo B&B in Wales. =\
So I guess we'll be going to shitsea again :(

In the meantime I cant stop going on its so good, the photography is amazing :)


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